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Traffic data in a sentence

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Sentence count:11Posted:2022-06-12Updated:2022-06-12
Similar words: traffic densitytraffic departmenttrafficcar traffictraffickertraffic copair traffictraffic jam
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1 Reorganize original traffic volume data collected by traffic data collect system with data mining techniques.
2 The quality of real - time detector traffic data is paramount for advanced traffic information system and ITS.
3 Hard - drive - based navigation option features traffic data and other useful info supplied by Sirius Travel Link.
4 And then state three standards of traffic data transmission referring to IFOPT.
5 As the first primary element in ITS,( the traffic data collection devices are playing an increasingly important role in many types of ITSs.
6 We are recalculating historic traffic data and will continue to add it over the coming weeks.
7 A contention based uplink channel used for transmission of relatively small amounts of data, e. g. for initial access or non-real-time dedicated control or traffic data.
8 A multiple mode dynamic network loading program based on GIS is proposed and a new framework for the integration, analysis and visualization of urban traffic data within GIS is presented.
9 It is presented in this paper that how to design a traffic data collection system with high performance based on DSP and Microwave radar.
10 A downlink channel shared by several UEs carrying dedicated control or traffic data.
11 To get real-time road impedance, a new idea which is to fit the actual traffic data based on GM (1,1) model and get the real-time impedance function is proposed.
More similar words: traffic densitytraffic departmenttrafficcar traffictraffickertraffic copair traffictraffic jamtraffic flowtraffic courttraffic loadtraffic signdrug trafficfoot trafficmixed traffictraffic classtraffic islandlight trafficheavy traffictraffic lightbasic datatraffic volumetraffic lightstraffic signalincoming traffictraffic circlepublic datatraffic controltraffic patterntraffic manager
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